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Reach the right customers to grow your brick-and-mortar and eCommerce business.

OnSpot Solutions for Retail - Clothes hanging on Rack

Brick-and-Mortar & eCommerce Solutions

OnSpot’s platform provides the data to identify, understand, and engage the right people with your marketing and advertising efforts. Use targeted advertising to increase foot traffic, web traffic, brand awareness, and increase sales.

Highly Targeted Audiences

Understand the trade area around your location(s), store visitors, and competitor’s visitors. Compare these data sets to understand households in the trade area that shop at your store, that shop at a competitor’s store, or cross-shops at both.

With this knowledge, create targeted audiences using location, demographic, and CRM audience-building tools to power successful multichannel campaign delivery.

Measure location visits to determine your shoppers’ journey, and habits – when they visit, how frequently they visit, and where else they shop. Monitor competitors’ retail locations and gain new insights, tactics, and strategies to win additional market share.

Trade Area REITs Shopping Mall

Here are a few use cases to consider:

OnSpot Solutions for Retail - Street with Retail Stores

Use Case 1: New Customer Acquisition

Strategy: Use the OnSpot Trade Area tool to create a 1, 2, 5, or 10-mile radius around your retail location to capture workplaces, households, or both. 

Promote your business, creating brand awareness, through direct mail or digital advertising to these potential customers.

Use Case 2: Create Customer Loyalty

Strategy: Upload CRM and/or web visitor data into the OnSpot platform and Geoframe store location(s) to analyze customers who have visited a store or made a purchase in-store or online. 

  • Retarget these customers with ads such as an incentive to visit again or join a loyalty program. 
  • Retarget web visitors with specific messaging by using an OnSpot Pixel to automatically build audiences to target those devices.
OnSpot Solutions for Retail - Man Making an Online Purchase
OnSpot Solutions for Retail - Group of Friends Shopping

Use Case 3: Conquest Marketing 

Strategy: Through the OnSpot platform, Business A observes mobile AD IDs that visit their retail location’s main competitor, Business B. In order to conquest Business B’s customers:

  • Business A targets mobile AD IDs (from the OnSpot platform) that visit Business B in order to conquest patrons of Business B. 
  • Business A uses the OnSpot Trade Area tool to capture mobile AD IDs in a 1, 2, 5, or 10-mile radius around your business. They run a report against their current CRM list and market to customers who are not yet in their database but within the defined trade area in order to target their advertising efforts to potential customers.

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