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OnSpot solutions provide essential information to shape your strategies around current and future properties. Gain powerful insights from foot traffic visitation data, including marketing campaign response.

Retail Shopping Center Aerial View

Location and Visitor Analytics

Our industry-leading solution includes detailed location analytics and reporting that supports analysis, presentation, decision-making, and measurement needs for any REIT. 

  • Evaluate your properties, competing properties, or potential locations to provide valuable insight. 
  • Explore the trade area of a property to evaluate both resident and commuter personas and behavior. 
  • Accurately measure where visitors live, when they visit, how often they visit, other locations they frequent, and more.
  • Build insightful customer personas based on actual visitors, not just zip codes.

Data Visualization

Develop a competitive view of a location’s retail trade area based on individualized insights in reports, graphs, and cluster maps.

Trade area analysis allows you to evaluate both residents and commuters within a specified radius of your target locations. Information includes visitors by zip code, travel distance, visitor originations, destinations, and frequencies.

Request your complimentary Insight Report below for any REIT property:

Audience Household Heatmap
OnSpot Insight Report Dashboard

Foot Traffic Insights

Household-level demographic data provides an essential profile of visitors to your property, their behavior, and their interests.

Any location can be quickly and easily Geoframed in order to capture devices that have been to your center, or a competitor enter. 

From there, an insight report can be easily generated which shares important customer information including unique visits, total visits, times of day, days of the week, zip codes, age, gender, marital status, lifestyle interests, and more.

Visitor Demographic Profiles

The demographic report, created from the Geoframe(s) drawn around the property(s), shares important information about visitors to the property including age, gender, marital status, presence of children, lifestyle interests, and more.

OnSpot Demographic Report Dashboard
OnSpot Attributon Report Dashboard

Audience Activation and Measurement

Any audience created within the platform can be activated for multichannel marketing campaigns to individuals that fall within the selected grouping of location visits, demographic profiles, or digital visitors. Footfall and website visitor lift can be measured with our Attribution Reporting tool. These measurement capabilities provide concrete results to property owners and tenants, proving the value of your marketing campaigns. Additionally, sales data from individual retailers can be matched back to the original target audiences for an end-to-end view of the customer journey.

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