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Maximize the impact of your political campaign ad spend by effectively targeting the right audience. Target potential customers with unique products or offerings based on their political affiliation.

Political parties candidates and causes
Party Affiliation Example

Target Potential Voters and Donors

Use OnSpot solutions for unique ways to reach voters and donors by combining our location-based technology and demographic profile tools. Create customized segments based on a variety of political characteristics for activation via digital and direct mail advertising campaigns.

Options include:

  • Political party probability
  • Voter turnout probability
  • Political donation amount
  • Congressional district
  • State & local legislative district

Additionally, target visitors to specific locations that reflect their voting profile and behavior such as:

  • Political rallies & events
  • Community organizing events
  • Non-profit organizations

Visual Political Reporting

Combine these with demographic and location-based elements to ensure you are reaching the right group of voters, potential voters, or customers. Create a visual political report for any audience in addition to Insight and Demographic reporting to further understand your audience.

Political Visual Report Example

Common Use Cases for Political Audiences:

People at a Voting Booth

A political party wants to reach senior voters in their district to encourage them to vote for their candidate. 


  • Create a demographic audience starting with the geography required by the election. This can be state-wide, within certain zip codes, or by selecting a specific congressional or state legislative district
  • Add the appropriate age range and party affiliation to create your highly targeted audience. Activate this audience with a campaign that can include social, programmatic, and direct mail channels
  • Expand the audience with lookalike, social, and household extensions to reach more potential voters with similar political persuasion
Nonprofit Volunteers

A nonprofit organization supports an initiative that will be on the ballot for the upcoming election. The goal is target households with lower incomes to raise awareness of how this initiative will benefit them to encourage voter turnout.


  • Build an audience by selecting zip codes that will have this initiative on the ballot
  • Layer on the required household income ranges, and serve messaging to these households specifically with direct mail and/or digital ads
Main Street in America

A brick-and-mortar store sells custom-printed merchandise supporting a specific candidate. That candidate will be speaking at a rally taking place in the local area. The goal is to drive sales to the store by marketing products to households likely to attend the rally.


  • Selecting the zip codes near and around where the store and the rally are located
  • Select medium to high-income ranges that would be likely to purchase your product
  • Select the party affiliation of people likely to attend the rally
  • Send out your multichannel ad campaign with messaging that will appeal to rally-goers in order to increase sales
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