If your bank is required to add new customers from rural or low-income markets to satisfy the CRA, OnSpot can help you comply in the following ways:
- Exclude existing customers and deliver targeted ads (digital media and direct mail) to the specific census tract(s) and households that qualify under the CRA.
- Deploy targeted advertising to households in specific census tracts or to rural markets to increase awareness and win your bank new LMI and rural customers.
How It Works
- OnSpot delivers digital media or creates direct mail lists to your targeted census and rural area(s) prospects; enabling your bank to communicate offers that resonate with the targeted economic and demographic groups.
- We report back on the campaign results with the specific household addresses that were served the advertisements (both digital and direct mail).
- We provide post-campaign attribution reporting showing the response from the audience served, broken out by website visits and in-person visits to the specific bank location(s).
- We offer reporting showing the campaign results matched back to new LMI customers.
Example Attribution Report